Sunday, October 3, 2010

Big B!


Oh bear. Today was such a less than mediocre day. I worked and read a book. A pudgy little girl asked me who Adam and Eve are. I just kind of stared at her and listened to her and her friend argue about it for a while. I walked around a Target, but then I felt too lonely and the kids screaming and crying and parents yelling at kids everywhere just irritated me so much that I just left. I walked around a mall all alone. for some reason there were lots of high school kids dressed up for homecoming dances walking around the mall in pairs. I really wanted to hold your hand :) I found something that I thought I might wear to a wedding but when I got it home and tried it out again, I looked like a chunky ballerina. The good news is that I found what I want to wear to a wedding and to a dinner party. I think... I hope...

Then I spent like 3 hours making soup. Oh how tired I am now. It is such a good soup though! Too bad that you probably wouldn't like it at all. It is the dumpling soup that I shared the recipe with you but I added things that I like. I made the dough for the dumplings and then I had to wait an hour or so for it to get done. I put in potatoes and carrots and mushrooms and garlic and onions and spent like half an hour putting in the dumplings. I made a lot of dough because I really like dumplings. It looked like too many so I stopped and put the rest of the dough in the fridge. Turns out that it could have used more dumplings.... Oh well. I am going to bring the soup that I made to share with M&D tomorrow night after work.

Then on Monday I have my very first class! I am pretty excited but I am afraid that I will fall behind really fast. That is why I have been trying to study and make lots of flash cards so I don't fall behind. I really hope that you work hard and get all of your homework done on Sunday (today actually!) so you don't have to get stressed about it since you spent tonight having lots of fun. I hope you have a lot of fun because I probably won't get to talk to you :) You probably won't even read this for the next couple days or something because you will forget and/or won't have time. I like to write to you though, on a website or in a book, because I sure miss you and wish that I could talk to you all the time.

I really miss you big guy! I can NOT even wait to see you for a wedding! It is going to be super fun. Again, I hope you are having a good time and MAYBE I will get to talk to you before you fall asleep... or I fall asleep because I am so tired.

I really love you a ton and a bunch.

Goodnight my Bear.

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